Tuesday, October 6, 2009

The unreeling moments....

It was a time when the world of my life just laid with the beautiful patterned carpet, where I could sophisticatedly delve into the pleasure and even to the extend of claiming self as a unnamed Big Brother, in our own way. All the world of opportunities was not at all a dearth. The men, women, old and young, rich or poor- I would say, I had enough pride with their unwavering friendship and the fraternity that we nurtured. Their lavish and ambiance of positive energy and comradeship never let the things down. It was a time, when one didn’t mind taking a share of food from the very plate and drank varieties in the same cup; the image of that distorted aluminum cup blurrily appears as I pen this. It has been wisely said, innocent days are life’s best drama that are cherished time and again, and bringing nostalgic happy-pain (ness). I feel, the road was worth and best taken and taken to the fullest, and there’s a dearth of a pinch of regret, whatever being we arrived. Pleasure and pain is an exact meaning to life and the voyages on a sail that we made is no loss rather bridged extensively to the nearer arena of experiences. The mischievous lashes and steel-natured confidence from the unparalleled teachers, we heartedly pledge – they were at their best of all. May be a moment’s serpentine treat ruined the day but we are less of word in describing the immense affect it had in the chiseling of life; our’s one time life, sophisticated-oxymoroned life.
(..To be continued…)

Friday, September 18, 2009

Into a new world

Neither I exactly remember the point from where I started the journey nor have I had the fixed destination curled, to tread the road I have taken. The sense of surety did not occur in my mind, as the plant wasn’t at its bud. Accidently, I got crossover at the selection board for the course that should follow later on. I can blurrily stroke back those magical words, when one lady from the panel shot at me, “can you teach a student?” Actually it was supposed to be a big question for a not yet budded leafless stalk, which’d barely completed his plus two- who doesn’t still understand himself completely! “Yes, M’am” was all I could say to the interviewer. May be she might not have sufficed to the query.

Thought it would have never happen but it happened. After a brief introductory course, we were henced to a place, a place very different from what it used to be. It was 1st March, on the first day of the first week, standing before 32 pairs of innocent eyes in the third grade class, greetings extravagantly and I presumed, expecting more than what they’d been going through to their kindling curiosity of learning. Within that, I tried to compose myself and reassured, I ‘ll do my best to give them best in whatever way it may cost- if it is for them. But, at the back of my mind, could not forget that I am just an apprentice , a learner for myself where, still it’s not yet half the journey to the top, to claim, ‘I am their new teacher’. More than half a year flipping over the leaves of the prescribed texts, doing just narration of what is being asked to do seem merely a puppet: what else an amateur can do? Albeit one possess a little extent of broad concept but without a proper channel (skills and strategies) to retrofit, an invigorating thought of igniting those sensitiveness of a young mind was next to impossible. More over, residing in a hamlet concealed from the outside happenings, nothing much can be done. And adding to the problems, with limited resources and materials, one can do nothing. Vagrancy in professionalism seemed to crawl inward in. It was like driving a cab with passengers in a bizarre labyrinth.

With half-filled satisfaction, I was back to the institute, to shape those ram shackle traits I have encountered during periods and months of uneasiness, to curb those very falsities that I was handicapped and to maneuver towards a professional one. Back in College had I voyaged through different reminiscing explorations! Beginning from the understanding the psychological variations of a child to different principles of teaching/learning strategies and pedagogies, and the professionalism developments; were we accentuated to utmost guidance by the professionals. The sharpest din that tinges my thought is that, to be a teacher one need to regard the slice of every bit of art and mastery. It really is really a crime to keep space for complacency in teaching/learning.

Entering into this world, a new world, everyone’s life would be in different panoramic hues. Few more months from here, a new teacher will be placed, to the forefront of another 30 or more pairs of eyes. This time with different prospectus with same perspectives and weapons fully equipped, there will be dearth of uneasiness after all these years of head thudding and hard chiseling moments. Now, I feel fearless to those words by a lady “can you teach a student?” There’s doubtless that by now, we’re quiet coloured-enough-apple, where a different soul can expect a peck of their share.

As and after being a teacher, this is not the final stage as well. Teaching and learning should go in-line like the biological cycle-to the exact U-turn. Learning should remain pre-disposed to every angle and axles of aspects for a teacher. Someone rightly said, teaching isn’t the end process of leaning instead it is the beginning of learning process in life. Knowledge is sans bound and complacency should be void in human, at the most in teachers.

“Teaching is not just filling up the container but lighting the fire” says in the words of W.B.Yeats. As you read these words of the great one, the question may arise in your head, ‘Am I filled enough to fill another?’ Wishing you all the future teacher friends, a successful career.

Monday, September 14, 2009

In The Moonlit Night!

(This poem was written by one of my Student when I was on Teaching Practise In 2008)
The prayer flags around the chorten was fluttering
And the crow was perched on the top
The silent moor was gentle slope towards the
Bottom, where the silent lake was found.

The chilly breeze rushes from the
High peak frozen with snow
Tickling my face and the moor
Appears quite silent and dark.

The snow was gently drifting down
Towards the silent cloudy lake
The timid Sun clings just
Behind in purple glow.

Suddenly the white circular moon
Appears in the blue glittering sky
Reflecting the beauty of jeweled sky
And, the silent moor and the silent lake.

The moonlit night was shadowy
The frosty mountain was blazing
And the crow was calling
And the prayer falgs are fluttering.

The road was bending through
The underneath towards the hills
And I stood on the top of the hills
Gazing towards the lake that rippled.

Sudden chilly breeze keeps whispering over my ears
And what could be the signal!
I wonder for sometime
Just staring all around me.

Once again the chilly breeze rushes from
The high peak which was frozen with snow
Tickling my face and
My wavy hair in the silent moonlit night.

What could be the signal-
What could be the signal-
It is amazing
It is amazing………….
The glittering moon also crept behind
The far away peak and the
Monnlight night was dawn
With chirping of birds.

I could hear in the distance
The people bursting into laughter
And the singing lady and the birds
Flapping their wings and echo of man calling!

Once again the chilly brezee rushes
From the high peak which was frozen
With snow, like the shrill crescendo
Through my mind.

Suddenly in a distance I could see
A lady rushing towards me
As if she shouldn’t be missing the dawn
And shouldn’t be existing during daylight.

Nearer she came, my heart beat faster
As if like playing of music
I was waiting for her to get near
Putting my life on the top of a cliff with
Unimaginative fear.

With no words she hugged me
As if she knows me
I wonder with no words to say
And without knowing anything else to do.

Her face was as white as snow
Which was lying on the peak
Her eyes were chinky with plumy lips
And her hair was waving in the dawn.

Her boot was glassy with red coat
And skirt seems to be as beaty as
Blooming lotus in the silent sky
Which can be easily fitted in my heart core.

Who could be she? From no where
Fragile heart-fragile heart the echo
Came and went on and on-
Over the atmosphere.

When the dawn was about to touch by daylight
With last waords and hug, she went back
Through the bending road on the hills and I kept on
Staring until she dipped behind the peak.

I don’t know from where she came
And where she’s goneWithout a single words from her
The golden moment flew away.

As soon as she left, sun was peeping through
The window pane and I was still lying on
The bed creating my new world
Beyond any imagination.

Since then, when the moonlit night is shadowy
The frosty mountain is blazing
And the crow is calling on the top
And the prayer flags are fluttering

I remain on the hill top
Cherishing the past event
And waiting for her in the
Moonlit night and looking forward

To make my dream in reality-
In reality-
In reality-
In reality!

(Pema Dorji Tamang
Mendrelgang Middle Secondary School

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Teaching and Learning:A Never Ending Process.........

This is the footage on the Exhibition coordinated by the II year (Secondary)trainees teachers of the Samtse College of Education on the "Teaching Practise Journal Display" for the experience sharing and making it learn for the juniors as well.................................The day's programme was witnessed by the Director of the College and Lecturers and the students from the High school as well. "The display was so educative " shares Sangay(I year Trainee), one of the eyewitnesses of the Program. " Hope I 'll be able to pursue the same idea that I gained from the exhibition for my coming teaching practise", adds another trainee, Dorjee (I year trainee). The hustle and bustle also is being added by the displaying of the old collections of photos of the lecturers when they were as a trainees....

It was correct that, young moments bring you the energy back during the hard-living days.....and seems all the visitors were having their lungs full of shares thru' munching over the old B/W photos.................

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Jigsher: Host of our Love.

Gone were those happy moments,where,
We remained tuned to the songs that
Played in the name of luv,indeed,
A calf-love but cherished fullthrotedly.

Still, sweetest words waive my sense,
As I turn over those lyrics that you
Have penned with great lexicality,when
At times, I was made buoyant object.

Your sweet name, ours? made jointly,
Blended from JIgme and Sherub, with
The wishes, never to apart,
As the name itself is!

Alas, true to the nature's nature,
Everything must change; so was our love,
With the nature's divine, we 've fallen,
A curse that would be naught, to spell!

Seasons took its turn,but remain we,embedded,
Strong, in our cutiest love, prayed,
To the Almighty love, let the season wheel,
But, not to wine the fate to topsy- turvy.

As destined, we met, for a time too less,
And,departed without a farewell,too,
The blooming dreams that we had,gradually,
Ceases to blossom as we drifted far way.

Little, had we known, that it was early,
Pouring the every inch of heartout,
Was an unexpected nemesis;now,
When, all these pangs of thoughts glare,naked!

Glamorous scene becomes less interested,
Even, the hairstyling habit are fretted,
Life seems to dragging towards,
Hollow Island, where the poets usually resides.

Jigsher Nite: Breaking the rules... A Reunion!!!

Do anything sort of party/gathering go without a list of drinks in a menu? Exceptionals, mosh? But most believes, a parties without a few sip of wine do not heat them up and feels hard to get along with the moment. Generally, the mixed of these elements surely do makes a gathering spirited-up, hitting some steps of M.Jackson; few trying hard to throttle-out lines of lyrics, which ultimately make the remaining silences to burst their lungs out!
But, we are wrong as so-called conservationists puts -in, a parties/gathering can be enjoyable without the said vapourisers, too....Heeding to this, we seniors, organized a small gathering for the freshers in the institute, under the occasion "Jigsher Reunion". The party kicked-off with tea and snacks and some waffling introductions across the oldies and newcomers (ex-jigsherpas). Drinks were restricted for the nite. This is for the first time, the Jigsherpas had to undergo a party without a drinks, which was their hard life................Hard times?......... Yes, since none of the student coming from the Khaling school remain aloof without a taste of it! ................Ask any fellow who studied there, only one or two may be pure. The culture of drinking has been embedded from the time they are confined in the serenity of Khaling. But, the true nature of Khaling(Jigsher-Ever Higher,ever Onward) has still been strongly withheld in the heart of each seed that She had nurtured.......In the occasion to celebrate those moments, the "Jigsher Nite" have been purely enjoyed and surprise........none complained with the abscence of that! The first ever rule to have been broken............! Everybody felt satisfied...satisfied in the sense, because for the first time, they realized the truth behind a party worth enjoying without a drinks...................Thank You Bros and Sis for your coming and making this moment lively!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Beautiful days in Jigsher......

Ah! Six o’ clock, alarm rang sonorously,
Reluctantly, woke and peeped out,
The blue firmament decked with clouds
And, the calendar marked 20th June,2003.

Peer….eeer! there goes the whistle.
Hastily, with little splash, readied for the morn study,
After, which, comes the ever-flaming desire, slurring,
Walked with juggling plate to swallow a mounted fried rice.

My gho, albeit in ruff and tuff, damned less,
Fall in line to let heartiest hymnal song
To Him “ the God of Wisdom”
And, full-throatedly, a wishful hymn to “ our beloved crown”.

After a short but heart- rending prayer,
Who should be waiting there at the corridor?
A well-built man. Sir Lhundrup, vigilant on dress
Hanged on three parted whip in his hand.

Lash! Printed a pale green mark,
Walked towards class in lamed manner,
Teasing fans voices gushed in, “ any happening, Jim?”
With, semi- crashed face , retort I, “ a piece of Driglam Namzha”.

After all, the painful day ran swiftly
Till the last yellowish rounded metal gong,
But the pale green mark still keeps me reminding
The unforgettable days in Jigsher, mixed joys of yesteryears, hard to forget.

Monday, August 31, 2009

Jigsher:… Ever Higher..Ever Onward…..

Under the ever brightening blue sky,
Enclosed within by mountains at all faces;
Amidst, emerged a heaven of learning, as always,
The best of the best in the Land of Peaceful Druk.

“Thank You, Father Mackey”,
We’re indebted for your unfathomable kindness,
Our sincerest prayers for you, unwavered,
Will remain your spiritual soul in the heaven of tranquility.

Nevertheless, we aren’t forgetful, of all,
To our founding “Father of Modern Education”,
The late Druk Gyalpo, with undying dynamism,
The temple took its shape, to become a sacred shrine.

Thousands of scholars and learners, fortunately,
Tasted the true root of education,
From this very land of golden shrine of Lord,
With greater enlightenment and joy as years went by!

Hitherto, name of the school stood high, flaming;
Fame flourished like the sun of the eternal glory,
Budding scholars and heartfelt teachers never let it down,
Instead, Jigsher will rise like a lode star.

We, the family of Jigsher, shall not forget the motto:
“Ever Higher…..Ever Onward…” the march will continue,
And, shall keep the high spirit of Jigsher,
With an infinite flame of love and reverence!

Factional Society

As I recently went through the weekly news article in Bhutan Observer, I came across an eye-catching title “After money or Education” which lured me into read the fact that many of our Bhutanese youth are indeed sacrificing so much in a different ways for or the other purpose, in the society. We rational beings cannot deny the fact that nature bounds to its creation and are disposed to innumerable sections, which we usually coin names such as rich, poor, healthy, unhealthy, et al. that am sure anyone have felt and termed it. Still, it is disheartening to view, a section of our youth sweatily laboring on the roadside with the stone boulders unimaginable of its astronomical size; aiming to earn a penny and back-up their educationing necessities. I, personally and truly feels sad, it pains my heart when we enjoy the scene. Despite their physical inabilities, most of the students toil, skinning out their fragile physique, taking less or no care on their lives. The recent road accident, which about to claim a life of a student of Dremtse, working on Monggar-Trashigang Highway, is a serious thought that we individual must look more into. Yes, it’s a universal fact that youth are the builders of tomorrow but we mustn’t forget them today. The privilege of youth is what we are into but when such unbearable scene comes in clear view, being Buddhist, one’s heart of stone shouldn’t remain un-melt. Beside, girls, are the most vulnerable and are victims of so many unwanted inhuman issues; upsurges like a flame, quaking the media, where you and I, solely responsible for all these. As a consequence, with a reason or two, the female literacy rate remains far below than the level we expect.

Why the youth are into drugs? The mostly shooted-out answer from their gagged voice, one can hear is, due to discontentment. Why discontentment? To experience a hard life, while their equals enjoy the heavenly bliss, they are forced into such male factories, ultimately brandishing them as juvenile delinquents. This may sound philosophical, but, with due respect to the social thinkers, it is truth and the truth must fall open. Psychologically, to groom a youth for the better morrow, IA think, it’s not a constructive educational method. They should feel and sense the beautiful picture in life which shall generate a far better future.

On the other hand, the youth in the urban areas usually called as bourgeois society are at the most, making their productive use of time in enhancing their educational stand. It is laudable scene Bhutan has come a long way in introducing such kind of activities for the youth to keep themselves away from idleness. The established Youth Centre with its various creative and well-fed programmes augment certain groups of youth. But, such kind of centre meant for the purposeful youth is disparagingly absent in the Eastern part, where it constitutes two-third of school-goer youths in the country. Such disparity compels the society to lag in every step they are onto. Luckier ones, mostly the well-of are safely engages in their activities.

Truthfully, to hear different stories of the youth in a same society, like a face of coin, gives me immense aching beat, and it might have gave the same thud to you all beings. The real pain must be borne by every individual and should, we react to what is beneficial to build a fruitful citizenry. Now, the times are on, and the government must do something before our youth are transcended to good-for-nothing creature, while the nature still offers a space to take an extra mile for the better tomorrow. Let us respect, understand and give them what they deserve rather building a chasm of disgruntlements between youths in the society, where-in, not at least on this Buddhist land.

Friday, August 21, 2009

"I too wanted to be that tiny sparkling star"

In one's life, even a single being wouldn't be there without a mind to become someone. Even a tiny particle of living Ant wants to gather a castle of foodstuff in order to make no-fear of dearth of survival for the remaining days. Each single moment, we are in tight schedule to achieve the pinnacle of happyness, which mostly describes, a success in life. No stones are left unturned in the battle to grasp that most coveted, lets say, the most wanted one or the most driving factor in the momentum of life's journey. No matter what is good and bad, the arrow targeted from the loosen bow-string have no choice in the middle of the ragging friction of the stumbling air. The flowing fluid rarely hampered by the boulders on its tread. That's the formula or mantra one needs to adhered in the mileage one takes.
Alike, Ugyel, born to a middle class and affluent family, could sustain the everyday needs. Ugyel's expectant parents started drawing unending desires in their heart. He, none the less, could not stand and stare foolishly towards parents wish lists but, kindling encouragement geared him to challenge more challenging situation on his treading. true to the wishes of his loving parents, Ugyel did his best in the academic performances and gathered laurels; the shining medals and highly-hued certificates nicely-framed, hanging on the faces of the walls at home. The halo of that joyful moment ignited the ever-desirous heart of his parents. The final waord was: nothing can stop Ugyel from achieving all those fruits of success, which his parents had nurtured. Every dawn was a higher step of ladder to his goal to reach on the Everest, and make the sketchy webbed dream into a colourful pattern.
But, do we take a second thought that anything can happen anytime in the flicker of time?
Nobody sense it until that drive within, and Ugyel and his parents too hadn't made it a point there. human mind is such a stuff which tries to devour the entire magnificent wishes despite the presence of someone, who sieves or engineers our life. Being human a stuff, one cannot outdo the Mother Nature that is Providenced. we are the actors of the stage(world), wrote Shakespeare in one of his plays.
Coming back to the track, Ugyel too was about to pass that Judgement of life. He outdid the XIIth standard exam, ranking third, overall. One of the scholarship slots for the medical profession was already awarded to him. The next moment, Ugyel was in the wonderland(at least for him), being on the another part of the continent. At least, his parents were satisfied as portion of their wishes are being fulfilled. Ugyel, on his part made himself so much on the professional development within two and half years. Being there was like modelling himself to a more mature of cocoon.
How life would be beautiful amidst the ominous calls?
Ugyel living in a society, where the life was made so easy with the advancement in modern outcome of science, easily fallen prey to the social evils like doing drugs. His mates could easily a one-time well-mannered and timid country boy into an unfortunate one under the spell of substances.......with the evil substances, his parents dreamy substance could not hold on his shoulder anymore. By the time he came down to his final semester, the college authority made a final cease to his education there. He was lifeless and could see no clouds under his wings anymore. He was rushed back to home country and landed in his ancestral home, with shapeless hopes and dreams. Every greener valleys of his opportunities turned into darkened hell.......a din less hell of den. By the time, his consciousness charged again, the times were too fast, distance to long. The dream to catch that moment was as useless as trying to catch-hold of falling glass of milk.
Ugyel sometimes wondered the unwonted journey and trying to bring the reel of life back but that was of no use. While he sees his childhood mates driving in a hifi cars, he could not think a slice of moment. The only thing he could dream or utter was, " I too wanted to be that tiny sparkling star".................A dream that he will take all the way to his graveyard.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Fortunately Unfortunate......

A child is said to be the children of God and are the happiness of the human species. But, the recent incident in Monggar Hospital, where an innocent 18 year old mother (girl?) accused for the unsocial behavior and charged for the felony of recklessly dumping her infant in the hospital toilet is some kind of lesson that we are failing in the general well being. Nobody knows why she did that and everybody disregard the very reason why this kind of things are prevailing in this very land of Buddha!

Unfaithfulness, adulteries, innocent, inferior economic advantage, teenage rape and drug abuse comes in always between these blemishing headlines. The question that we need to ask beforehand comes later than the thought when stroke......By the time, the highly pride individual lament sympathies over the spilt milk. Sometimes, it make me wonder, what a pious brothers and sisters have we got here in these theistic society?

Every step we walk, the metres distance seems to have adorned with Lords words proudly to say, ' I am Buddhist.....I care all the beings......everybody is a member of the society...etc' endlessly , the lamentations make their lips to say and the heart until the drama is displayed.
Maybe this is not the first or last thing to happen. It has been the story of the past, present and who knows for the coming days too if we do not act instantly...............Remember, we got a dignified birth and a living, why can't we give the others in the same way as we had been showered................Buddha is here, within you and I!